Posted By: Dharmendra Goyal - 1:34 pm


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Bharatvani Hindi Typing Tutorial comes with several Unicode fonts and Keyboard Layout programs which will practically transform your  regular computer into a powerful Hindi computing system by pressing only Alt-Shift keys.  You can also toggle between English and Hindi languages on the same page by pressing "Caps Lock" key. Our truly phonetic keyboard will let you  type in the Roman alphabets like "mera nam ram hE" to see the Hindi text like "मेरा नाम राम है" instantly. No need to remember complex Inscript Keyboard layout  or move text from one program to another. It works seamlessly in all new editions of Microsoft Office programs (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access, Outlook Email, including Windows Messenger, etc.). 

To install Bharatvani's Unicode compatible keyboard support:
>> Double Click on Bharatvani Windows Keyboard Installer that came with your purchase copy of Bharatvani Typing Tutor package and follow the installation messages. This will install Bharatvani's proprietary (transliteration) keyboard driver on your computer

>> Go to Control Panel of your computer
>> Select Date, Time, Language and Regional Options
>> On Regional Language Options, click on Details
>> Click on "Add" on Text and Input Languages pop-up screen

>> First Click on "Input language" drop-down menu and select "Hindi"

>> Then Click on "Keyboard layout / IME" drop-down menu  and Choose Bharati5 Custom keyboard from the list.
(Note: Do not select the Default Hindi Traditional or Inscript Keyboard!)

After you press OK, the Text Services and Input Languages screen will look like this -

>> Lastly you should set up the "Preferences" and short-cut "Key Settings" to easily toggle between Hindi and English keyboards.

Following the above steps you may also set up Inscript and other Bharatvani Keyboard layouts and Bharatvani Unicode compatible fancy fonts supplied with Bharatvani Typing Tutorial package.

Input Languages in the Language Bar will appear as EN for English, SA for Sanskrit, and HI for Hindi. You should be able to choose the appropriate Input Language in the tray panel at the lower right corner of your monitor. You can also press Alt-Shift to switch between languages.

About Dharmendra Goyal

Hindi Computing Tips is an online Computer Publication that complies Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Out of box facts about the stuff going around in the world which you may find hard to believe and understand. The Main Purpose of this site is to bring reality with a knowledge of computing

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