How to Learn Computer in Hindi

How to Learn Computer in Hindi
आप कंप्यूटर सीखना तो चाहते है लेकिन हिंदी में नेट पे बहुत कम लेख उपलब्ध होने के कारण सीख नहीं पा रहे है तो.....
Posted By: Dharmendra Goyal - 4:14 pm
आइ ऍम ट्रांसलेटर 
एक ऐसा सोफ्टवेयर  है जो कि अपने में संहित डिक्सनरी के द्वारा लगभग २० भाषाओ का रूपांतरण कर सकता है व इसमें दिए गए वर्चुअल की-बोर्ड के माध्यम से लगभग ४० भाषाओ का विश्लेष्ण कर सकता है .

ImTranslator provides additional multilingual capabilities to Internet Explorer for more efficient communication in foreign languages. With ImTranslator you can translate in different languages, enter multilingual text, check it for correctness, print results and send e-mail. ImTranslator includes: Online Translator, which performs real-time translation for Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish and Swedish languages and their combinations. Translator includes back translation. Virtual Keyboard covers 40 languages. Dictionary provides translation in 20 language pairs. The program has spell-checker for English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Ukrainian. The interface of ImTranslator is localized for English, Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.
  • Price: Free
  • Operating system: Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP/Vista/नत
  • DOWNLOAD (फाइल साइज़ - 228.58 KB)
ImTranslator Plugin for Internet Explorer is a multifeatured translator that allows users to highlight text and translate it by right-clicking. The program's many features make it a great option for quick online translations.

The program's interface is fairly simple, with a box for entering text and another below it where the translation appears. Small graphical buttons give users access to the program's other features, such as a dictionary and virtual keyboard. Everything is very intuitive, allowing users to translate text without interrupting the flow of their Web browsing. The program's features are impressive. Using Google Translate, the program supports translation of 43 languages. It also contains 41 different keyboard styles. If users aren't sure what language they're trying to translate, the program can automatically detect it. Users can check spelling, e-mail-translated text directly from the program, and decode incorrectly displayed Cyrillic text. Most impressively, users can listen to spoken renditions of text in 10 languages, although using this feature takes users to another Web page. The online Help file gives detailed instructions for the program's use. If we have any complaint about the program, it's the advertising that it includes, especially on the text-to-speech site. But we're willing to overlook this, given the program's other features.

ImTranslator Plugin for Internet Explorer is free. It installs desktop icons without asking and leaves a folder behind upon removal. We recommend this program to all users who are looking for a quick and powerful translation utility that is well-integrated into their Internet Explorer experience.

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