How to Learn Computer in Hindi

How to Learn Computer in Hindi
आप कंप्यूटर सीखना तो चाहते है लेकिन हिंदी में नेट पे बहुत कम लेख उपलब्ध होने के कारण सीख नहीं पा रहे है तो.....

Master Your Vocabulary

Posted By: Dharmendra Goyal - 11:54 pm
1. कर्ता (ने) kartaa (ne) = Nominative (subject) =

  • हरि जाता है |
  • ( Hari jaataa hai. )
  • Hari goes.

2. कर्म (को) karma (ko) = Accusative (object)

  • हरि घर को जाता है|
  • (Hari ghar ko jaataa hai. )
  • Hari goes to the house.

3. करण (से, के द्वारा ) karan (se, ke dwaara) instrumental (by, with)

  • हरि कार से घर को जाता है|
  • (Hari car se ghar ko jaata hai.)
  • Hari gos to the house by car.

4.सम्प्रदान (को, के लिये) sampradaan (ko, ke liye) = Dative (for)

  • हरि कार से घर को खाने के लिये जाता है|
  • ( Hari car se ghar ko khaaney ke liye jaata hai.)
  • Hari goes to the house by car for food.

5.अपादान (से) apaadaan (se) = Ablative (from)

  • हरि कार्यालय से कार से घर को खाने के लिये जाता है|
  • ( Hari kaaryaalay sey car se ghar ko khaaney ke liye jaata hai.)
  • Hari goes to the house by car for food from the office.

6.सम्बन्ध (का,के,की) sambandh (kaa,kay,kee)= Genitive (of) = His pen, his car, his clothes, his cars. उसका पेन, उसकी कार, उसके कपड़े, उसकी कारें

  • हरि कार्यालय से उसकी कार से घर को खाने के लिये जाता है|
  • ( Hari kaaryaalay sey uskee car se ghar ko khaaney ke liye jaata hai.)
  • Hari goes to the house by his car for food from the office.

7.अधिकरण (में, पर, पे) adhikaran (mein, par, pe) =Locative (in, on)= कुर्सी पर बैठता है|

  • हरि कार्यालय से उसकी कार से घर को खाने के लिये जाता है और कुर्सी पर बैठता है |
  • ( Hari kaaryaalay sey uskee car se ghar ko khaaney ke liye jaata hai aur kursee par baithata hai .)
  • Hari goes to the house by his car for food from the office and sits on the chair.

8.सम्बोधन sambodhan = Vocative (Oh)

  • हरि कार्यालय से उसकी कार से घर को खाने के लिये जाता है और कुर्सी पर बैठता है एवं संबोधित करता (पुकारता ) है, ओ जगन इधर आओ|
  • ( Hari kaaryaalay sey uskee car se ghar ko khaaney ke liye jaata hai aur kursee par baithata hai evam sambondhit karta (pukaarta hai.) oh, jagan idhar aao. .)
  • Hari go to the house by his car for food from the office and sits on the chair and addresses (calls out),oh Jagan, come here.

Some examples for you to work on above lines.

  • मैंने मोहन को हाथ से खाने के लिये बर्तन से निकाल कर महेश की रोटी मेज पर दी |
  • (Mainey Mohan ko haath se khaaney key liye bartan se nikaalkar Mahesh kee rotee mez par dee.)

जानिए कैसे बना सकते है इस्माइली फेस

Posted By: Dharmendra Goyal - 11:39 pm
To create a smiley face you use standard keyboard characters and punctuation marks in sequences that look like facial expressions might. When viewing text smiley faces, they are all sideways. Here are some basics to get you started in understanding what the different characters used in smiley faces mean:

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  • The close bracket represents a sideways smile )
  • Add in the colon and you have sideways eyes :
  • Put them together to make a smiley face :)
  • Use the dash - to add a nose :-)
  • Change the colon to a semi-colon ; and you have a winking face ;) with a nose ;-)
  • Put a zero 0 (halo) on top and now you have a winking, smiling angel 0;) with a nose 0;-)
  • Use the letter 8 in place of the colon for sunglasses 8-)

Smiley Faces and Their Meaning

Here are few examples of different smiley faces and their meanings. You can send any number of text faces or text images to help you convey an emotion when you text message or online text chat with people.
Standard smile
With nose
Buck-tooth or Vampire
Evil grin
Sad or frown smile
Sad with nose
Super sad
Sticking tongue out (raspberry)
Kiss on the lips
One eyebrow raised
A broken nose
tongue tied
a Ham radio operator
Big grin happy
Couple kissing
Rolling your eyes
With braces
Happy Crying
Toupee smile
Winking smile
Winking smile with nose
I'm an angel (boy)
I'm an angel (girl)
Gossip, blabbermouth
A chef
A bunny
~( 8^(I)
Homer Simpson
"Foot in mouth"
Drunk smile
Exclamation "What???"
Long nose (Liar!)
Put your money where your mouth is
An egghead
Pig smile
DJ with headphones

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