How to use Gmail for upload and send .exe file

Posted By: Dharmendra Goyal - 6:21 pm


& Comment

हम आपको पांच ऐसे आसन तरीके बता रहे है जिनकी सहायता से आप आसानी से .exe फाईल अपने जीमेल और अन्य किसी भी मेल अकाउंट से अपने किसी भी दोस्त को भेज सकते है :

1. Create a Zip File (जीप फाइल बना सकते है।)

2. Create a RAR File (रार फाइल बना कर भेज सकते है।)

3. Insert within MS Word and save as word (.exe) file (माईक्रोसोफ्ट वर्ड में .exe फाइल को इन्सर्ट करके)
Goto File > New document
- Click Insert > Object
- In Object window, click browse & select EXE file
- Click File > Save As
नोट :  
माईक्रोसोफ्ट वर्ड में .exe फाइल को इन्सर्ट करके सेव करने पर जो .exe के लिंक बनता है उस फाइल को  आसानी से अपलोड कर सकते है लेकिन जिसको भी आप यह फाइल भेज रहे है उनके पास  माईक्रोसोफ्ट वर्ड  होना चाहिए।

4. rename .exe file (.exe फाइल को रीनेम करके )
यह सबसे आसन उपाय है इसमें आप .exe फाइल के एक्सटेंसन लिंक को चेंज करके आसानी से शेयर कर सकते है 
For Example : anyfile.exe change to anyfile.myfile or anyfile.doc or anyfile.xls etc.

Note : 
After download above file on PC, receiver must be changed the link before run that file in .exe as it was in real.

5. Share .exe file online and send a link (किसी भी फ्री फाइल सेरिंग साईट पे अपलोड  करके)

About Dharmendra Goyal

Hindi Computing Tips is an online Computer Publication that complies Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Out of box facts about the stuff going around in the world which you may find hard to believe and understand. The Main Purpose of this site is to bring reality with a knowledge of computing

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